Monday, May 24, 2010

sand pail, beach ball & shovel

This was one of the most FUN cakes I have made in a while. I iced the beach pail in butter cream icing, then went back and cut out a bunch of polka dots. I added the rim around the pail and went to town. The beach ball was made from a six inch round ball pan and covered in fondant one strip at at time. At first I piped on the white trim between the colors but didn't like it. So i cut strips of white and it was perfect. I formed the shovel using a flower former. I wrote Happy Birthday Olivia on the handle then a big number two. There is a "2" on the ball as well as in the sand of the beach pail. The shells were made of bright colors to match the colors of the cake. Sand was added by using graham cracker crumbs! I am sure this was a tasty treat for all...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

3D buddha

3D buddha
Originally uploaded by Sugar Buzz Cakes
We were hired to make this Buddha cake for a 40th birthday celebration that a catering company was doing. It was the star of the show next to the guest of honor. The photo does not give justice to the actual size of the cake. It was on a 14" round cake board and stood almost 13 inches tall. I was recently asked "Is it all cake?" YES, even his head is cake! It was carved form round cakes then covered in fondant. The robe was added in layers then his hands and feet. The edible gold highlights were added using an airbrush. His face was added at the end. Another baker commented that he looked like Charles Barkley! How true... Without the gaged earlobes that is. It was challenging to make but really fun at the same time.

The Old Ball & Chain!!

This was a really fun grooms cake if you the type that can take a joke. The ball and chain is made of fondant. The actual cake is underneath. It is supposed to look like it is on sand with palms around it. The red flowers were added as the wedding colors were black, red and silver!