Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Making A Buttercream Baby Bootie Cake

This is the beginning of what is to become a butter cream iced baby bootie cake. We start out with four 5 x 7 oval cakes and two 5" round cakes. Each cake is two inches tall. The first baby bootie is placed on one half of the cake board. The sides and front are carved to simulate the rounded shape of a booite. Once you achieve the correct shape of the bootie it is time to fill it with butter cream icing. Be sure to add the small round cake to the top as the ankle of the bootie.
The cake is then iced entirely with butter cream icing and ready to decorate. It is best if you chill the cake prior to your final icing.
Starting at the bottom of the cake with your tip pointing downward, squeeze and pull straight up, releasing pressure after about one and a half inches. Go all the way around the cake and repeat the steps for at least three to four rows.
Upon reaching the curve of the bootie you will pull your tip towards the top/center of the bootie. This is usually achieved in two rows if icing. Once the cake is almost completely iced, it is time to ice the sides of the ankle. Using the same technique, go around the ankle in two rows.
At this point you can add a finished look by piping a top border around the ankle. This is the best time to add in the second cake. Its okay if they are close or even touch. Using the same star tip technique, create the second bootie. *A note to the decorator" adding in a circle of white fondant to the top of the bootie will give you a smooth finished look. It can also be achieved with butter cream icing with practice.

This is the finished look of the baby bootie cake. They are completed with an icing ribbon bow on the front and a ribbon of color in a dash pattern around the ankle.

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